Bridging to solutions
Bridging to solutions
Fratelli Cosulich obtains BB Stable Rating from CreditReform Rating Agency
Fratelli Cosulich obtains BB Stable Rating from CreditReform Rating Agency
The establishment of Fratelli Cosulich Adriatic - A new strategic hub in the Adriatic region
The establishment of Fratelli Cosulich Adriatic - A new strategic hub in the Adriatic region

Bridging to solutions


Fratelli Cosulich obtains BB Stable Rating from CreditReform Rating Agency


The establishment of Fratelli Cosulich Adriatic - A new strategic hub in the Adriatic region

A diversified group with family roots

The Fratelli Cosulich Group has always been defined by strong values, first and foremost as a family company. We base our business on the assumption that the key to any successful story is made of three important ingredients: the quality of operations, the dedication to our people and, above all, carrying on every activity in synergy.

Years of history
Business units
Employees worldwide

Today we are recognized and trusted as a global leader, and we are proud to share the same vision with all the Companies that are part of our Group. Our family has a long history behind us, initially specifically related to the maritime world, but in almost 170 years we diversified our business.

We have expanded in the most diverse industries, splitting our activities in 15 business units.

Thanks to an extensive network of relationships that we have built up internationally, expanding our geographical presence and reaching more than 27 Countries. We are now able to operate and serve our customers h24 with more than 2500 employees worldwide.