Fratelli Cosulich S.p.A.
Business Unit
Branch offices
Fratelli Cosulich S.p.A. is the head company of the entire Fratelli Cosulich Group. With offices in Trieste, Genoa, Naples, Venice and Ravenna, it’s the final evolution of the activities started back in 1857 in Lussinpiccolo.
The head company is not merely a financial entity at corporate level, but it is indeed an operative player in 6 main business units: Liner Agency, Tramp Agency, Marine Energy, Manning and Training, Business and Leisure Travel and Catering and Provisioning.
Still being a Maritime Agency define it as one of a kind company in the actual shipping landscape. Its operations represent 5 leading carriers for all activities within the Italian ports.
Tramp Agency acts at national level, being able to cover all ports thanks to an extensive network of agents and with offices located in Genoa, coordinating all activities, Venezia and Ravenna
After these two business units, for sure Manning and training is among the oldest activities conducted uninterruptedly for almost 8 decades. The core of operations are run by the office in Trieste, with a global coverage and backed by a depth of expertise.
Catering and provisioning team is able to provide to all Mediterranean cargo and passenger vessels an effective solution, ensuring time-effective, cost-efficiency and personal-scouting for a smooth conduction of the business.
Since 1969, Marine Energy office has been able to provide bunker broking services to the global shipping landscape with its base in the major port of Genoa. Over the decades, to satisfy the request of our customers, we also started in collaboration with a trusted partner a physical supply service within the port of Genoa.
Ultimately, business and leisure travel which its roots are backed in the experience of Cosulich family in Transatlantic vessels back in the first 50 years of XX century or the establishment of SISA, the company that lead into ALITALIA and ITA today, is now a leader in the Business Travel keeping a fruitful services for the people of Trieste with a physical office in the city center for the Leisure travel.
The Fratelli Cosulich S.p.A. is the real beating heart of the entire Group.