Giovanna Toniazzo



Business Unit managing

Giovanna Toniazzo, with an academic background from a Scientific High School, embarked on a career journey defined by her extensive experience in logistics and freight management. Her trajectory started with Cesped Spa, where she served as Senior Operative for Spain, UK & Ireland Exports, demonstrating her level of professionalism for over four years.
Transitioning to Rhenus Logistics Limited Ireland, she held the role of Senior Operative for Italian Imports for nearly three years.
Currently, as Director at Arcese Cosulich Ireland Ltd for more than sixteen years, Giovanna acts as General Manager, using her skills to drive the company's success.
As she insists in transforming the office into a breathing entity, she adorns it with plants and her dog Beba follows her to work every day.


Phone number

+353 86603012

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