ESG Committee first meeting took place in Genoa headquarter office

In line with the commitment expressed in our 2022 Annual Report, the ESG Committee has been established and its first meeting was held on September the 8th.
Main goals of the Committee are:
- supervising and guaranteeing that ESG targets set year on year will be reached and monitored through the use of the most appropriate KPIs
- acting as a bridge between the ESG team and functions/business units;
Members have been selected according to their role and their business units with the aim of "covering" all relevant ESG areas
• Giulia Cosulich (ESG Corporate Director)
• Lorenzo Battistella (ESG Analyst)
• Eugenio De Vena (Energy Manager)
• Glenda Badano (HR Manager)
• Andrea Simonini (HSQ Manager)
• Francesco Becchi (Group Finance Manager)
• Andrea Cabella (Ship Manager)
• Chicca Franchini (Head of new fuels)
• Antonietta Di Buono (Group Legal Counsel)